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Mirror Images of Achiral Compounds Can be Aligned

Author: Dennis Svatunek

Demo for Mirror Images of Achiral Compounds Can be Aligned
View Code
<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<script src=""></script>

<div style="text-align: center;">

<div id="D0602" style="margin: auto; width: 600px; height: 300px;"></div>

<div id="text-content" style="display: flex; justify-content: center; align-items: center; margin: auto; width: 600px; height: 100px; background-color: #f9f9f9; text-align: center; font-size: 18px; color: #000; font-weight: bold;">

<button id="resetButton">Reset</button>
(function() {
$(document).ready(function() {
var textContainer = document.getElementById("text-content");
var messages = ["Let's figure out the configuration of this molecule.", "Bromine has the highest atomic number. It has priority 1.", "Chlorine has the 2nd highest atomic number.", "Fluorine is number 3 in this example.", "Hydrogen has the lowest priority.", "Now let's rotate the molecule so the lowest priority residue is in the back.", "Substituents 1, 2, and 3 are oriented counter-clockwise. It's S configured!"];

function updateText(step) {
  if (step < messages.length) {
    textContainer.textContent = messages[step];

var viewers = $3Dmol.createViewerGrid('D0602', {
    rows: 1,
    cols: 2,
    control_all: false },{ 
defaultcolors: $3Dmol.elementColors.Jmol, nomouse: false});
function initializeViewer() {
    var xyz = `5
0 1
 C  0.0 0.0  0.00
 H  0.356	0.5043	-0.873
 H 	-1.069	0.0	0.0
 F 	0.45	0.6363	1.102
 Cl	0.586	-1.6594	0.0 

	var viewer = viewers[0][0];
	viewer.control_all = false;
    viewer.addModel(xyz, "xyz");
    viewer.setStyle({}, {stick: {radius: 0.15, colorscheme: {'prop': 'elem', map: {'F': '#00ffff'}}}, sphere: {scale: 0.25, colorscheme: {'prop': 'elem', map: {'F': '#00ffff'}}}});
    viewer.zoomTo({x:0.0, y:0.0,z:0.0});
	viewer.setView([    0,    0,    0,    135.82179545095573,0, 0, 0, 1]);
    viewer.setViewStyle({style: 'outline', color: 'black', width: 0.02});
    var xyz2 = `5
0 1
 C  0.0 0.0  0.00
 H  0.356	0.5043	-0.873
 H 	-1.069	0.0	0.0
 F 	0.45	0.6363	1.102
 Cl	0.586	-1.6594	0.0 
	var viewer = viewers[0][1];
	viewer.control_all = false;
    viewer.addModel(xyz2, "xyz");
    viewer.setStyle({}, {stick: {radius: 0.15, colorscheme: {'prop': 'elem', map: {'F': '#00ffff'}}}, sphere: {scale: 0.25, colorscheme: {'prop': 'elem', map: {'F': '#00ffff'}}}});
    viewer.zoomTo({x:0.0, y:-0.0,z:0.000});
	viewer.setView([    0,    0,    0,    135.82179545095573,-0.2883748, 0.8166027, 0, 0.5]);// rotate across C-Cl bond -120 degree
	viewer.rotate(180,{vx:0, vy:1,vz:0});
    viewer.setViewStyle({style: 'outline', color: 'black', width: 0.02});


function trackAlignment() {
    var viewer1 = viewers[0][0];
    var viewer2 = viewers[0][1];

    var view1 = viewer1.getView();
    var view2 = viewer2.getView();

function quaternionDot(q1, q2, weights) {
    return weights[0] * q1[0] * q2[0] + weights[1] * q1[1] * q2[1] + weights[2] * q1[2] * q2[2] + weights[3] * q1[3] * q2[3];

function quaternionDistance(q1, q2, weights) {
    var dot = quaternionDot(q1, q2, weights);
    return 2 * Math.acos(Math.min(Math.max(Math.abs(dot), -1), 1)); // Clamping the value between -1 and 1 for safety

// Example weights: assuming you want to reduce the influence of the 'w' component
var weights = [1, 1, 1, 1]; // Adjust these weights as needed

var distance = quaternionDistance(view1.slice(4, 8), view2.slice(4, 8), weights);

textContainer.textContent = "Quaternion Distance: " + distance.toFixed(4);

    return distance;

function slerp(q1, q2, t) {
    var dot = q1[0] * q2[0] + q1[1] * q2[1] + q1[2] * q2[2] + q1[3] * q2[3];

    // If dot is negative, invert one quaternion to reduce spinning
    if (dot < 0) {
        q1 = => -x);
        dot = -dot;

    // If the quaternions are very close, linearly interpolate
    if (dot > 0.9995) {
        return, i) => x + t * (q2[i] - x));
    const theta_0 = Math.acos(dot); // initial angle
    const theta = theta_0 * t; // angle at t
    const sin_theta = Math.sin(theta);
    const sin_theta_0 = Math.sin(theta_0);
    const s0 = Math.cos(theta) - dot * sin_theta / sin_theta_0;
    const s1 = sin_theta / sin_theta_0;
    return, i) => (s0 * x) + (s1 * q2[i]));

function linearInterpolate(value1, value2, t) {
    return value1 + (value2 - value1) * t;

var isAligned = false; // Flag to check if alignment is done

function alignViewers() {
    var viewer1 = viewers[0][0];
    var viewer2 = viewers[0][1];
    var t = 0;
    var alignInterval = setInterval(function() {
        var distance = trackAlignment();
        // Update text based on alignment distance
        if (distance < 0.4) {
            textContainer.innerHTML  = "Aligned!<br>(distance: " + distance.toFixed(4) + ")";
        } else if (distance < 0.5) {
            textContainer.innerHTML  = "Very close!<br>(distance: " + distance.toFixed(4) + ")";
        } else if (distance < 0.6) {
            textContainer.innerHTML  = "Close!<br>(distance: " + distance.toFixed(4) + ")";
        } else {
            textContainer.innerHTML  = "Try to align these molecules!<br>(distance: " + distance.toFixed(4) + ")";

        // Align only if distance is under 0.3 and alignment is not done
        if (distance < 0.4 && !isAligned) {
            var view1 = viewer1.getView();
            var view2 = viewer2.getView();
            t += 0.01; // Increment for gradual alignment
            if (t > 1) t = 1;

            // Perform alignment
            // Linearly interpolate x, y, z, and zoom
            var newX = linearInterpolate(view2[0], view1[0], t);
            var newY = linearInterpolate(view2[1], view1[1], t);
            var newZ = linearInterpolate(view2[2], view1[2], t);
            var newZoom = linearInterpolate(view2[3], view1[3], t);

            // SLERP for quaternion
            var newQuaternion = slerp(view2.slice(4, 8), view1.slice(4, 8), t);

            // Combine the interpolated values
            var newView = [newX, newY, newZ, newZoom].concat(newQuaternion);

        // Stop the alignment if the distance is below the threshold
        if (distance < 0.00005) {
            isAligned = true;
            // Re-enable mouse control and set control_all to true
            viewer1.noMouse = false;
            viewer2.noMouse = false;
            viewer1.control_all = true;
            viewer2.control_all = true;

    }, 50);

// Call this function to start alignment

// Reset functionality
document.getElementById('resetButton').addEventListener('click', function() {
    isAligned = false;
    alignViewers(); // Restart alignment monitoring

function setMouseControl(enable) {
    var canvases = document.querySelectorAll('#D0602 canvas');
    canvases.forEach(canvas => {
        if (!enable) {
   = 'none';
        } else {
   = 'auto';

$("#text-content").css("position", "relative");
$("#D0602").css("position", "relative");


Copyright © 2024 Dennis Svatunek.